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Type MLSG and Type MLSG Slimpack

Flat Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors with Welded Seals Offer 5,000 Hour Life at 125 °C, Rugged Design

Type MLSG series of Flatpack is a ruggedized flat aluminum electrolytic capacitor. This series targets compact power supply applications in military and aerospace, as well as other critical systems. Design enhancements and a new electrolyte push the MLSG to nearly double the operating life of its predecessor, at no added cost. Two principal package profiles are offered in this technology, the MLSG Flatpack which measures just 0.5” thick and 1.75” wide and the MLSG Slimpack measuring 0.5” thick by 1.00” wide, both offered in length increments of, 1.5”, 2.0”, 2.5” or 3.0”.

A wide range of standard capacitance values from 220 µF to 24,000 µF are available, with voltage ratings up to 250 Vdc. The unique flat package design does more than save space. It is easily cooled, and can offer unique flexibility in ganging two or more devices in ways that conventional electrolytics can’t.


MLSG FlatpackMLSG Slimpack
• Longest life • Slim profile of 1.0" by 0.5"
• Withstands more than 80,000 feet altitude • Withstands more than 80,000 feet altitude
• Stainless steel case • 80g vibration
• Type HV up to 50g • Stainless steel case
• Type HR, high reliability • Type HR, high reliability burn-in
• DC life test to 5000 hrs
5 21 Large

Applications Include:

Radar, military and commercial aircraft power supplies, mission critical systems.

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